Americans are blessed to have constitutional rights, especially the First Amendment right of free speech. As Benjamin Franklin once wrote, whoever  “would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech.”

Free speech is central to liberty, and this belief underpins the necessity of the First Amendment. This amendment holds the powerful to account and protects the right of Americans to express themselves freely.

Unfortunately, our free speech rights are constantly under assault. In the era of President Donald Trump, Democrats and their allies in government and the media have worked tirelessly to censor the “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) movement. Too many MAGA conservatives have been shadow banned and removed from social media platforms.

The bias was apparent in the 2020 election when social media platforms limited the reach of the critical story involving Hunter Biden’s laptop. If there had been accurate reporting on this story, it would have swayed a considerable number of voters.

According to a survey by the Polling Company, 17% of Joe Biden voters in “seven swing states” would have switched their support to President Donald Trump if they had known about the laptop story. Thus, on this one issue, the 2020 election result would have been different.

Americans deserve the truth on all issues and the best way to achieve that result is full disclosure of vital information. The last thing Americans need is for government bureaucrats deciding what information is acceptable or what app can be placed on our phones.

Today, Americans are increasingly dependent on social media. One critical social media forum is TikTok. However, this app has become controversial in recent years and many politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, want to ban TikTok.

Their concern is that the app is owned by a Chinese company and that user data may be revealed to communist government officials. However, with Chinese spy balloons flying across our nation, at least 260 spy satellites in space, and an untold number of their intelligence agents operating in our country, their communist government does not need TikTok to gather information on Americans.

Despite the efforts to ban TikTok, 150 million Americans have decided to become users. The app is a way for content creators to make an income, small business owners to promote their products and for average Americans to share their views on a range of issues. Furthermore, many artists and musicians use TikTok to sell their work. This usage will only grow thanks to the constant improvements on the app.

TikTok is an especially popular platform for engaging young voters, and this is true across the political spectrum. Americans have made it clear that they oppose a TikTok ban, and it is unfortunate to see policymakers pursuing legislation that their constituents reject. The Republican electorate knows the value of TikTok for speech and assembly. This is why support for a TikTok ban is beginning to crumble among Republicans.

Fortunately, our country does not have a state-controlled media. Americans are free to choose where they receive their news and millions of Americans are turning to TikTok to stay informed. Countless reputable newsrooms across the political spectrum have embraced TikTok as a means to provide information. If the government haphazardly decides to ban TikTok, they are dictating where Americans can communicate and receive their news. Such an action sets a dangerous precedent.

As Franklin stated so eloquently, censorship efforts subdue “the Freeness of Speech” of Americans and are a significant risk to “the Liberty of a Nation.”  Thus, initiatives to ban TikTok in Indiana and Montana were quite disturbing. Fortunately, these efforts, in both states, recently suffered legal setbacks. According to Santa Clara University Professor Eric Goldman, both attempts were “ridiculous” and “designed for political theater.”

In overturning the Montana law banning TikTok, Federal Judge Donald Molloy wrote, “In shutting off TikTok, the Legislature has both harmed User Plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights and cut off a stream of income on which many rely.” In addition, Patrick Toomey of the ACLU noted that the Montana law failed to surpass the U.S. Constitution’s “extraordinarily high bar on this kind of mass censorship.”

In our era of theater-driven politics, it is frustrating how much time is wasted with political posturing around TikTok rather than drafting sensible policy on industry-wide privacy reforms. Banning apps is not practical, nor is it constitutional.

The problem of data security on social media goes way beyond TikTok. Banning one app and pretending the problem is solved is nothing short of burying our heads in the sand. A better approach would be to have all the social media platforms at the table with our legislators and regulators to determine the best path forward.

Americans need leaders from both political parties to advocate for meaningful, comprehensive solutions across social media platforms. Among Democrats, U.S. Representative Troy Carter (D-New Orleans) could serve as a leader on this issue. Hopefully, he will be joined by U.S. Senators John Kennedy and Bill Cassidy, both Louisiana Republicans.

In fact, all the members of the Louisiana congressional delegation should stand firm against unconstitutional restrictions on TikTok. While addressing security concerns are valid, the answer is not to ban TikTok, which is used by almost 50% of Americans. It is impractical, violates our fundamental rights and will not solve any of our challenges in dealing with the communist Chinese government.

Censorship is a device constantly deployed by the communist government of China. In contrast, censorship should never be adopted as a legitimate tactic by our government. It is un-American and violates our First Amendment. Let us never forget Franklin’s sage counsel, “Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom – and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.”

More speech equals more liberty, which should be our country’s foremost goal. Ensuring our precious freedoms will allow the United States of America, despite our many problems, to remain “a shining city on a hill.”

It is an annual tradition on our Ringside Politics TV and radio programs to award a “Turkey of the Year” during Thanksgiving week. This designation is bestowed on an especially worthy politician, bureaucrat or celebrity who deserves such dishonorable recognition.

Our previous winners have included both Republicans, such as former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, and Democrats, such as former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Like those two winners, most of the “Turkeys” are so insufferable that they no longer serve in elected office, having worn out their welcome with their constituents.

This year, as usual, we asked our audience members to submit their nominations for 2023 “Turkey of the Year” consideration. To say we were bombarded with worthy candidates is an understatement. Undoubtedly, 2023 was a particularly good year for “Turkeys.”

The list of qualified nominees was extensive. The most popular nominee, the candidate with the most outstanding credentials, was 2021 “Turkey” President Joe Biden, who embodies this award in every sense. However, no repeat winners are allowed, thus he was excluded from consideration.

Like Biden and our other previous winners, our 2023 award recipient is a real “Turkey” in every respect. He is possibly the worst cabinet secretary in our nation’s history. Of course, the 2023 winner of the Ringside Politics “Turkey of the Year” Award is Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

In his role, Mayorkas is responsible for border security. In January 2021, the Biden administration inherited a secure border from President Donald Trump. The border wall was almost finished, the “Catch and Release” program had ended and there was a “Remain in Mexico” policy that worked well.

Unfortunately, at the start of the Biden administration all the successful Trump administration policies were terminated, along with the construction of the border wall. Thereafter, Biden rolled out the welcome mat for illegal aliens worldwide to enter the United States.

According to U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), “More than 6.2 million migrants have illegally crossed the southern border since President Biden took office.” There have also been more than 1.5 million migrants who have evaded apprehension.  U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylore Greene (R-GA) believes the true number of “illegal border” crossings is even greater, approximately 10 million.

Cornyn notes that the detention facilities and immigration courts are overwhelmed with migrants. Despite such an influx of illegal aliens into the country, Cornyn claims that “deportations are at their lowest level in decades.”

This chaos is caused by the neglect of Mayorkas and his Biden administration colleagues. Instead of acknowledging the crisis and taking corrective action, Mayorkas regularly appears before Congress and claims that the southern border is “secure.”

These lies inspired Greene to introduce a U.S. House resolution to impeach Mayorkas. Greene declared that Mayorkas violated the Secure Fence Act of 2006 and was engaged in the “willful admittance” of illegal migrants. Unfortunately, her resolution failed, and the impeachment resolution was referred to the Homeland Security Committee, which oversees the actions of Mayorkas and his department.

Not surprisingly, the Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, Congressman Mark Green (R-TN), has also been appalled by the inaction of Mayorkas in dealing with the border crisis. Green, who blasted Mayorkas for “dereliction of duty,” is completing a “multipart plan” overseeing his work and will forward his findings to the House Judiciary Committee, which manages the impeachment process.

In these investigations, it has been difficult for Congress to gather accurate information about border crossings from the Department of Homeland Security. One example is the new app that was created for migrants seeking asylum.

It has allowed 1,400 individuals per day to schedule an appointment before appearing at a U.S. port of entry. In total, Cornyn states that 266,000 migrants from “around the world” have been released into our country through this app. However, it is unknown whether these individuals are included in the total number of border crossings.

The Biden administration has also expanded programs allowing two-year work authorization for migrants from a select number of countries and for family members of “vulnerable children” to “enter or remain in the United States.” The exact number of individuals utilizing these programs, which were not authorized by Congress, is also unknown.

Cornyn believes that the Biden administration is engaged in activities to “cook the books” and conceal the true extent of illegal immigration in our nation. Mayorkas is the individual most responsible for deceiving Americans about this crisis.

One result of the “open border” is the massive influx of fentanyl into our country. This has led to the deaths of “thousands of Americans each year.” In the view of Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO), these deaths are the “direct result” of the “dereliction” of Secretary Mayorkas. Buck said it is his “fault” when Americans “die of fentanyl poisoning.”

In response, Mayorkas asserts that his approach is “working” and 280 people were arrested for trying to smuggle fentanyl into the country last year.

Sadly, these arrests represent a fraction of the overall problem. Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) labeled the actions of Mayorkas as “criminal.” At a congressional hearing, he declared that Mayorkas “must resign.” After Mayorkas refused, Van Drew demanded that he be “impeached.”

If ever a cabinet secretary deserved to be impeached it is Mayorkas. His “dereliction of duty” is leading to needless deaths in our country.

Another factor which makes this issue so critical is the enhanced threat from Hamas and other Islamic terror groups after the horrific attack in Israel. Our border must be completely secure, otherwise, the lives of Americans are at risk.

Instead, Mayorkas continues to implement dangerous programs, refuses to secure the border, and shamelessly lies about its condition. Due to his appalling record, Mayorkas is our “Turkey of the Year” winner, surpassing other incompetent and dangerous radicals serving in this administration.

Despite his designation as the 2023 Ringside Politics “Turkey of the Year,” Mayorkas still enjoys Biden’s complete confidence. As always, Ringside Politics “Turkeys” of a feather flock together.

The state of Louisiana is blessed with an abundance of natural resources and attractions. The state’s largest city, New Orleans, is the birthplace of Jazz, a 305-year-old gem with a rich history. It is the home of the French Quarter, Mardi Gras, countless festivals, beautiful architecture, and many of the best restaurants in the world.

Louisiana is a state known as a sportsman paradise with outstanding hunting and fishing. We have tremendous supplies of oil and gas, the mighty Mississippi River, beautiful bayous, gorgeous plantations, the unique Cajun culture, and a warm climate that should lure many retirees to the state.

With so many attractions, Louisiana should be a state that experiences incredible growth and prosperity. Instead, it has been mired in poverty and has suffered from a stagnant population and business losses for decades.

Since the Congress adopted the current method of apportioning U.S. House seats in 1941, Louisiana has “never grown enough to gain a district.”

From 1910 until 1990, there were eight members of the Louisiana congressional delegation. Unfortunately, due to a myriad of problems, including a poor economy, a legacy of political corruption, and substandard public education, Louisiana started to lose congressional seats.

In 1990, the congressional delegation declined to seven representatives and then in 2010, another U.S. house seat was lost. The current congressional delegation of six members may drop again in 2030 unless dramatic changes are made.

According to the 2020 census, 4.6 million people live in Louisiana. This showed an anemic population growth rate of only 2.7%, compared to the Southern average of 10.2% and the national average of 7.4%.

While our Southern neighbors have been booming, Louisiana has been languishing. The ghost of Huey Long has been haunting the state ever since the 1930’s.

His philosophy of “Every Man a King,” and a “Chicken in Every Pot,” has led to a belief in a large state government, high taxes on businesses and social services for the poor, such as the Charity Hospital system.

This socialist mentality has been hard to dislodge in Louisiana despite several Republican Governors being elected, starting with the first one in 1979. The last one elected in 2007, Bobby Jindal, was a disaster.

Jindal spent too much time aiming for the presidency and campaigning in New Hampshire and Iowa instead of fixing the problems in Louisiana. By the end of his second term, Jindal was unpopular both at home and nationally. His 2016 presidential campaign ended disastrously after only a few months of poor results and being relegated to the second tier GOP debate stage.

He was followed by a Democrat Governor, John Bel Edwards, who campaigned as a pro-life conservative, who supported the 2nd Amendment. Sadly, Louisiana voters were sold a “bill of goods” as Edwards was revealed to be a typical liberal Democrat who believed in big government and draconian COVID mandates.

In his eight years as Governor, Louisiana made no strides in fiscal or tax reform. We continue to have a franchise tax, high sales taxes, an income tax and a state budget that ballooned to $47 billion in the last fiscal year.

While the state’s population has been stagnant for the last twenty years, the budget has almost tripled in that period. Thus, the answer to the state’s myriad of problems is not more government spending.

Fortunately, there is good news for the long-suffering people of Louisiana. Yesterday, Louisiana voters finally elected a real conservative as Governor, Attorney General Jeff Landry. He won a massive victory, garnering 52% of the vote against 14 opponents, including several who were well funded.

He is a former policeman and U.S. Congressman, with a strong conservative voting record. As Attorney General, he regularly battled the Biden administration on a variety of critical issues, including their overreaching COVID regulations and mandates.

Landry benefitted from the endorsement of President Donald Trump and the Louisiana Republican Party. He was well known to voters for his career as a conservative champion. Also, he ran a very smart campaign focusing on principal issues such as improving public safety.

Louisiana suffers from an extremely high incidence of violent crime. New Orleans has the eighth highest murder rate in the world, with a homicide rate of 71 per 100,000 residents. Once again, New Orleans was  ranked as the “Murder Capital” of the nation with 266 homicides in 2022.

Overall, Louisiana has the third highest violent crime rate in the nation with 661 violent crimes per 100,000 people. Thus, in Louisiana, violent crime is a problem across the state, not just in New Orleans. Other larger cities, such as Shreveport and Baton Rouge, and smaller cities, such as Monroe and Alexandria, have serious crime problems as well.

In battling crime and the other problems in Louisiana, Landry will be joined by a legislature that will have a two-thirds Republican majority in both the House and Senate. After a runoff in November, it is likely that all the statewide elected officials will also be Republicans.

For Landry and the other Republican elected officials, it will be time for immediate action. Louisiana cannot wait any longer or the state will suffer the loss of more congressional seats, more businesses, and more population.

While public safety must be restored, public confidence in our elected officials must be restored as well. It has been many years since Louisiana voters were well served by a Governor who delivered on campaign promises.

Expectations are high for Landry as his track record as an achiever is promising. Luckily, the answers are found in Texas, Florida, and other Southern states.

Louisiana just needs to follow their successful examples. Providing public safety, maintaining low taxes on citizens, and creating an inviting climate for businesses will solve many of the state’s problems. It will increase revenue for improvements in infrastructure, public education, and coastal restoration.

This election provides a tremendous opportunity for the State of Louisiana to finally bury the legacy of Huey Long and begin to enjoy economic growth.

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Eight years of abuse of President Donald Trump culminated in the 37 felony count indictment that was unsealed on Friday. The 49-page document alleges the mishandling of classified documents after he left the White House.

President Joe Biden was found to have classified documents at his home, in his garage and in his office, which received communist Chinese donations, and nothing has happened to him. In fact, the Special Counsel named to investigate this issue has been quiet and has not even interviewed Biden.

In contrast, Trump’s Special Counsel, Jack Smith, has been aggressive and subpoenaed dozens of employees at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. At his press conference on Friday, Smith ludicrously said that “We have one set of laws in this country. They apply to everyone.”

Really? Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for sending and receiving 33,000 emails, including top secret and classified materials, using an unsecured computer. While President Trump faces 400 years in prison, Clinton received a pass from former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey who infamously claimed that “Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

Clinton is not the only Democrat to be excused for reprehensible behavior. Some Republicans have demanded impeachments for Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, but nothing has happened.

These Biden administration officials should not be the real impeachment target, it should be the President. He is the one who is facing allegations that he accepted a $5 million bribe from a Ukrainian official.

The FBI document, FD 10-23, was finally seen by House Oversight Committee Republicans on Thursday in a secure room. The FBI Director refused to produce the subpoenaed document for the entire Congress and the American people to examine. He should have been held in contempt of Congress, but Republicans caved.

While this should have made major news, it was suspiciously eclipsed by the Trump indictment that was announced on the same day. Of course, the plan was to suppress the Biden allegations with more Trump abuse.

The Deep State has been targeting Trump since the day he descended the “golden escalator” to announce his 2016 presidential campaign.

The “Russian collusion” hoax was the first way the FBI tried to destroy Donald Trump. It was a lie from the beginning, as outlined in the Durham Report. Nevertheless, the FBI lied to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, known as the FISA Court, three times. They obtained the ability to spy on a Trump official and gain access to Trump’s campaign and his presidency.

In 2020, the FBI suppressed information about the Hunter Biden laptop from being disseminated on social media to defeat Trump. In that campaign, 51 intelligence officials publicly stated that the truthful laptop information was probably just “Russian disinformation.”

In this election, Trump, Biden’s leading opponent, is facing charges in New York, an investigation in Georgia and now multiple investigations from the Special Counsel.

The eight years of mistreatment has rightfully disgusted millions of Americans. It proves our country has a sickening double standard of justice. As Fox News Host Judge Jeanine Pirro stated, “I have spent over three decades in a system that I believe in…but today I am no longer a believer.”

This “system” has been weaponized to destroy a candidate who wants secure borders and to put “America First.” He wants to end the warmongering and remove Neocons from power, so he must be stopped by the Deep State.

As this abuse has been hurled on President Trump for eight years, the Republicans talk tough on Twitter, but deliver nothing.

Republicans should demand that Biden submit to a mental competency test, but they refuse. Our country has a President who cannot complete a speech or exit a stage without difficulties. His falls are becoming more serious and the weakness he portrays is damaging to our national security.

The corruption from his family, including his brother and son, is breathtaking. The “Big Guy” lied when he claimed he knew nothing about Hunter’s business. He also publicly bragged about shutting down a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Hunter’s business by threatening to withhold a $1 billion loan guarantee.

With mounting evidence, Republicans should initiate impeachment hearings for Biden, but have delivered only rhetoric. U.S. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says she is “dumbfounded” that Republicans are not joining her in supporting Biden’s impeachment.

She should ask her ally, U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), why he refuses to initiate impeachment hearings. Greene backed McCarthy for House Speaker and supported his horrid debt ceiling deal. In return, he has delivered only lip service on the Biden impeachment issue.

While Biden evades responsibility, Trump faces the prospect of spending the rest of his life in prison for politicized charges. He is the first President to face two unfair impeachments, two Special Counsels, an FBI raid of his home, multiple criminal indictments, and biased investigations in left-wing jurisdictions.

He was charged under the Espionage Act, which has never been used against a President in our 247-year history. Yet, unhinged prosecutors in the Biden administration do not care about precedent or dividing the nation. They are determined to prevent Trump from getting elected President again.

In contrast, House Republicans are too scared to impeach a President who deserves it more than any other in our nation’s history. If Biden is not impeached, House Republicans should abdicate their power and turn it back over to the Democrats.

Sadly, Democrats are still running the House as nothing of substance has changed. It is business as usual for the Beltway.

The one disruptor is facing the mighty weight of the federal government against him. His only true allies are the seventy-five million Americans who voted for him.

The latest witch hunt will only embolden his voters. Too bad House Republicans do not possess similar courage.

The voters of Louisiana are embarking on the most important election season in state history. In this crucial 2023 election, Louisiana voters will determine the next Governor, all statewide officials and the 144 members of the Legislature.

This election will occur after years of economic distress, caused by misguided state policies, the punitive actions of the Biden administration and the lingering effects of the Governor’s approach to the COVID pandemic.

While other states flourished during the pandemic and embraced freedom, Louisiana enforced lockdown policies pushed by a liberal Democrat Governor. These measures were imposed in the name of “public safety,” but were counterproductive.

These actions caused Louisiana, once again, to lose jobs and businesses to neighboring states. The resulting damage especially harmed our tourist industry, one of the few remaining pillars of our weak economy.

The lessons are clear, never again should our state government force businesses to close or Louisiana citizens to be injected with a vaccine which they believe is detrimental to their health or inconsistent with their values.

As the Biden administration pursues renewable energy sources and focuses on electric vehicles, it has declared war on the fossil fuel industry, critical to our state’s economy. The moratorium on oil and gas drilling on federal leases, both on land and offshore, was a contributing factor in the decline in our state’s economy.

The results have been devastating as the latest census figures show Louisiana is in the top five in the nation in population loss. In the period between July 2021 and July 2022, Louisiana lost a staggering 36,857 people. As our neighbors are booming, Louisiana has been losing our next generation of leaders. Our sons and daughters are moving to Florida and Texas and other states.

As our state politicians are rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic, Louisiana is economically sinking, not from an iceberg, but from horrific policies. We are not effectively competing with our neighboring states economically, a contest much more important than college football.

For example, Texas, Florida, Tennessee and six other states have eliminated the income tax. In 2023, Mississippi’s conservative Governor will push for his state to join their ranks.

In contrast, Louisiana offers an onerous tax climate. We have the highest sales taxes in the nation, coupled with a state income tax, local property taxes and franchise taxes.

The supporters of our current tax system claim that Louisiana cannot join our neighboring states by eliminating income taxes. Supposedly, it will create too big of a deficit in the state budget, so the income will have to be replaced elsewhere.

Really? Louisiana has one of largest state governments, per capita, in the country. Our state government should be reduced dramatically.

While the population of Louisiana has been stagnant for the past few decades, the state government budget has skyrocketed from $16 billion in 2003 to over $47 billion today.

Louisiana has a plethora of state bureaucrats and poor people receiving government assistance, but not enough taxpayers or businesses to grow the economy. Taxpayers and growing businesses need a reason to move to Louisiana.

Yes, Louisiana has great people, a rich history, a unique culture, tremendous attractions, the best food in the world, festivals, music, unmatched entertainment options, superb outdoor activities, beautiful architecture, gorgeous bayous, Mardi Gras, the Jazz Fest, the French Quarter, streetcars, riverboats, the mighty Mississippi River and much more.

What we do not offer is good public schools, adequate infrastructure, a low tax environment, or a reputation for honest politicians. Historically, corruption and Louisiana politics go together like red beans and rice.

Sadly, we also do not offer public safety. Shreveport and Baton Rouge are two of the most crime ridden cities, per capita, in the nation. Once again, New Orleans has attained the horrific title of Murder Capital of the nation.

In 2022, according to the Metropolitan Crime Commission, there were 280 murders in New Orleans, the highest level since 1996. At that time, New Orleans had a much larger population, prior to Hurricane Katrina, so the murder rate per capita in 2022 was astronomical.

Under the so-called leadership of New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, the jewel of Louisiana has been suffering greatly. It is so awful that outraged citizens are making a valiant effort to recall her.

This type of activism needs to be replicated statewide for the 2023 elections. Fortunately, there is hope on the horizon. Grassroots conservative organizations have already started to organize under the umbrella coalition of

As highlighted on the website, volunteers from several of these organizations worked to elect conservative Republican businessman Michael Pedalino to the Jefferson Parish school board in the December 10 runoff election.

In 2023, these promising efforts must expand statewide because the needs of Louisiana are so great. One upcoming goal will be to work with Louisiana legislators in the spring session to pass a resolution calling for statewide voter rolls to be cleaned up prior to the next election.

There is little doubt that state voter rolls are a mess, filled with people who have died, moved or are ineligible to participate in elections. There are also phantom voters registered at locations such as UPS stores, abandoned buildings, schools, and homeless shelters.

Cleaning up the voter rolls is the first step toward providing the people of Louisiana with honest elections.

With our Save Louisiana coalition, conservative activists will be working in this upcoming statewide election to support candidates who will serve the people and not the government bureaucrats, big donors, or special interests.

To say this is an important election is a massive understatement. We do not have any more time to lose. 2023 must be a year of action for Louisiana conservatives. It is essential that true conservatives be elected to office, not liberal Democrats or establishment Republicans who want to maintain the status quo.

In Louisiana, politics as usual is literally killing our state. These upcoming elections may be our last, best hope, to Save Louisiana.