America’s Last Chance
By Jeff Crouere
The New York Times, NPR, Fox News and CNN have all listened to what political analyst Jeff Crouere has to say about American politics. As host of the popular Ringside Politics radio and TV shows and the lively Ringside Politics with a Punch live events, Jeff listens to all sides of the big issues and asks a lot of hard questions. After reading the writing on the wall, he’s come up with his own insights and authored this searing look at America’s advancing liberalism and moral decline. In America’s Last Chance, Jeff offers an urgent and vital message to America, laying it all out clear that not just a change needs to be made at the top of the political system, but the right change. He lays it all out with the cold, hard facts:
DEBT Our debt now exceeds $29 trillion and our once vibrant economy is stagnant with 94 million Americans outside of the workforce.
BORDERS According to the 2015 U.S. Census, there are now 15.7 million illegal aliens in the country and 61 million immigrants overall. This massive demographic change impacts our language, culture and customs.
TERRORISM Isis is causing havoc throughout the world and here in our country.
WEAK LEADERSHIP America desperately needs strong leadership and a new direction, not the same big government solutions which have created problems.
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